Words & Banter

RED & BLACK … Not Just New, Better

Design by Sawyer Pennington, Underlying photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

red head assets.rebelmouse.io

Well, it’s our first column of the year. A new beginning. Any “new” ideas for topics? Something other than New Year’s resolutions.

Black assets.rebelmouse.io

Is there a reason you do not want to talk about resolutions?


Obviously, yours was not to ask fewer questions.

Black (use0 assets.rebelmouse.io

That will never happen, but you are avoiding the question. Why?

Red assets.rebelmouse.io

Because every year, I have a long list of things I want to do, and I start strong, but within a few months, I fall back into old habits. Sometimes it only takes weeks. It’s frustrating and disappointing.

Black (use) assets.rebelmouse.io

Next question. What is the opposite of “old?"

Red assets.rebelmouse.io

I want to say, “New,” but this is clearly one of your trick questions.

Black (use) assets.rebelmouse.io

”New” would technically be correct … but, so is “current.” Most people think of resolutions as total overhauls, which has never made sense to me. Instead of major change, which is rarely a realistic goal, why not focus on improving and doing things better?

red head assets.rebelmouse.io

Now that’s an interesting thought, especially as Sawyer said to me, mere minutes into the new year, that one of her resolutions was to build on last year’s goals at the gym. So, for me, instead of using that dreaded word “diet,” I could just focus on eating better.

Black assets.rebelmouse.io

“Dieting” is focused on weight loss, but eating better is about healthy choices. It may sound like a nuance, but it is a different mindset.

red head assets.rebelmouse.io

All I know is phrasing it that way already takes the pressure off. And since I love fruit and salads, it’d be easier to think about using them as substitutes vs. trying to give up the “bad stuff”.

Black assets.rebelmouse.io

Exactly. Keep what you are doing that is good and get rid of – or at least reduce – what is not so good.

red head assets.rebelmouse.io

I find it interesting that you said “not so good” instead of “bad.” I like that. It puts the focus on the good. Which is a good idea! Pun intended.

Black assets.rebelmouse.io

And, that applies to everything … not just eating habits.

red head assets.rebelmouse.io

Well, it’s too bad that everyone doesn’t focus on the good. There’s so much negativity everywhere. You turn on the news, and that’s all you hear. You pick up the newspaper, and that’s all you see. And to make matters worse, I often feel like the media’s stirring the pot.

Black assets.rebelmouse.io

Good thing you are not on social media. It is even worse there.

red head assets.rebelmouse.io

I’d like to think people want good news, but I feel like you have to search for those stories. For example, I get CNN headlines on my phone, and there’s usually one or two “feel good” stories, but they’re typically buried at the bottom.

Black assets.rebelmouse.io

Without boring you with studies and statistics, although people say they prefer stories with a “positive” message, they are drawn to “negative” stories. And, since the news media is big business, it gives audiences what they want. Maybe you should change your newsfeed to Axios, as I find its stories are not only factual, but have a human element as they explain “why” the information is important. Regardless, nothing requires you to keep up with all the news.

red head assets.rebelmouse.io

Usually it’s just background noise while I’m doing other things. But when Mom passed in mid-December, I stopped watching the news and have barely looked at the headlines on my phone. It started with me feeling like I didn’t need to hear anything negative going on in the world while I was dealing with my grief. And then I decided I didn’t miss all the negative news and preferred to focus on positive things.

Black assets.rebelmouse.io

Imagine if everyone took that same approach. Focusing on positive things, not negative. The difference it could make – not only to us individually but to society as a whole.

red head assets.rebelmouse.io

Do you think, in today’s world where people are so quick to criticize and find the negative, that’s even possible?

Black assets.rebelmouse.io

You tell me. After “divorcing” yourself from the news, have you noticed any change in your behavior toward others?

red head assets.rebelmouse.io

Yes, but it also might be because Mom’s passing has made me overly sensitive. However, I’ve found myself having more patience with other people. Places where I sometimes can be impatient – the grocery store, the gas station, etc.

Black assets.rebelmouse.io

You get impatient with people? So, you are not always warm and fuzzy?

red head assets.rebelmouse.io

Very funny. But if you’ll let me finish ... instead of ignoring people and/or muttering to myself that they were in my way or moving slowly or whatever, I’ve been giving people more “time”. I make a point of trying to smile or making a friendly comment. And almost everyone has responded in a positive way.

Black assets.rebelmouse.io

Kindness can be contagious. So, maybe you should add that to your list of New Year’s resolutions. As I already said, resolutions do not have to be major overhauls, they are about improving and doing things better.

red head assets.rebelmouse.io

So, what do you plan to do better in the New Year? Work on your sarcasm, perhaps?

Black assets.rebelmouse.io

Actually, I have been told I already do that well. But, I guess there is always room for improvement …

Want to read other columns? Here's a list.

Design by Sawyer Pennington, Underlying photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

As you know, I love history, but I appreciate many people don’t.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

I am one of those people, so not sure where you are going with this.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

Exactly. So, when you first wanted to talk to me about the history of credit cards, I should have known something was up.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Or, at least been curious.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

How was I supposed to know it would make a difference in my life?

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Why else would I want to give you a “history lesson”?
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Photo by mevans on iStock
Let’s be very clear. Autism has no correlation with intelligence; it’s a developmental disability (or what Black refers to as “DIFF-abilities”). And it’s a spectrum disorder, which means each autistic person has their unique mix of abilities, challenges, and ways of seeing the world (can’t that be said of all of us?!) So, as we celebrate World Autism Acceptance Week, remember it’s more than just awareness – it’s about acceptance.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

Did you know that April's Autism Awareness Month? I wasn't aware (pun intended) of it until I read our local homeowner's monthly newsletter and it caught my eye.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Actually, last month the founding organization, the Autism Society, changed "Awareness" to "Acceptance" to foster inclusivity, as knowing about something is very different from accepting it. But I am guessing that is not the point of this call.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

Although it isn't autism, it reminded me of years ago when we found out that Natasha has learning disabilities.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

I think you mean DIFF-abilities.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

Of course, that's another thing I remember. I was focused on the negative aspects of her diagnosis until you asked me, point-blank, "Why are they called disabilities?" And proceeded to explain that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Exactly! Imagine the world if everyone excelled at math, but flunked English. Or, a world of lawyers, but no musicians. Some people are better at social skills, while others excel at handling technical data. Why not just say that people who have different skillsets and abilities have DIFF-abilities versus making them feel like they have shortcomings?
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Design by Sawyer Pennington, Underlying photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

As much of a history buff as I am, I’m embarrassed to admit that for a long time, I didn’t know March was Women’s History Month. But now that I do, I’m amazed by all the inspirational stories of women’s remarkable achievements.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Too bad Natasha and Sawyer do not still live at home; it would be fun to start a conversation by asking them what women they find inspiring.

Red's HeadRed assets.rebelmouse.io

I already know who they would pick. The first woman to race the road course at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. And I’d have to agree with them. Your Ferrari racing has made an impact on so many people. But especially girls.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Until you mentioned it several years ago, I never thought about that. In the 1970s, I was one of the few women in business school. I then made a career in the male-dominated oil and gas industry. I am used to being a “token” female.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

Trust me. I watch people whenever we’ve done speaking engagements. It’s predictable ... we put up the family tree, and Natasha and Sawyer get awws, but your two racecars get everyone’s attention.
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