Words & Banter

A Boy. A Man. A Wish.

Red's Head assets.rebelmouse.io

I have a confession. Although you've been involved with Make-A-Wish for decades and told me countless wish stories, I've never been moved to tears. Until this weekend.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Why? It is not like you were at Tommy Austin's 80th birthday celebration on Saturday. Almost none of the speakers could get through their comments without crying. As you know, there would be no Make-A-Wish without Tommy, as it all started back in 1980 with him wanting to do something special for Chris Greicius, a 7-year-old boy who was battling leukemia and wanted to be a police officer.

Red's Head assets.rebelmouse.io

Those are the facts, yes. But when you invited Sawyer to join you, and emailed us the link to the story that inspired Make-A-Wish video, it sat in my inbox until Saturday afternoon. I was clearing emails and found it, and thought it was a good time to watch it, especially since I knew you were at the party. And that's when the facts of Make-A-Wish became something so much more.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

You may have been watching it at the same time we were, as they used it to open the tribute to Tommy. I have known him for decades, so am very familiar with the story, but it is a powerful reminder of how people came together to grant a young boy his wish, and how that single wish touched so many lives.

Red's Head assets.rebelmouse.io

Yes, the ripple effect it created was truly amazing, as it led to the creation of The Make-A-Wish Foundation. But what brought me to tears, and made me go through more tissues than I'd care to admit, were the words of Chris's mother, "This was something I was totally helpless to do" but that Tom was able to pull it off with help from others.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

I cannot imagine the helplessness a parent must feel when their child has a serious illness.

Red's Head assets.rebelmouse.io

Trust me, hearing those words made my heart hurt. But I smiled when one of the other founders explained that after Chris had passed, with his wish having been fulfilled beyond his wildest dreams, that everyone involved looked at each other and said, "There are more children out there; let's go find them" and how it snowballed from there. It made me want to cheer and shout, "Yes!"

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

"Snowballed" is an understatement. Now, 41 years later, Make-A-Wish has made such a huge difference … granting more than 500,000 wishes, with chapters around the world … and bringing hope and joy to the wish kids and their families.

Red's Head assets.rebelmouse.io

I can't begin to imagine how proud Tommy Austin must be to know that his simple desire to make one boy a little happier would lead to so much more.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

The word I would use is "humble," as Tommy believes he is merely the messenger and refuses to take any credit, explaining he was only trying to make Chris' life better. But, there was a room full of people who saw it differently, and told heartwarming stories about Tommy.

Red's Head assets.rebelmouse.io

It sounds like it was the best 80th birthday party ever, and he certainly deserved it.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

It was so much more. And, we surprised him by announcing that in honor of his 80th birthday, The Make-A-Wish Texas Gulf Coast & Louisiana had created a "Circle of 80" to kick-off the Tommy Austin Wish Fund.

Red's Head assets.rebelmouse.io

That's so perfect. Although I've never met him, from watching the video I think that the best gift one could give Tommy would be to help grant the wish of a Make-A-Wish child. For that matter, it may be one of the greatest gifts any one of us could give …

Whether it's becoming involved with a local Make-A-Wish chapter or simply by making a donation … never underestimate the power of a wish!

Photo by OnTheRunPhoto for iStock

Until two years ago, Red had never heard of “Dry January” (see our conversation below). But whether or not you’ve taken the challenge, it’s never too late to develop healthy habits. And, FYI, there’s also “Damp January.”

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

I keep getting emails about where to go for mocktails. I know alcohol-free cocktails, like Virgin Margaritas, have been around for a while, but I’d never heard that term before. Do you think it has to do with New Year’s resolutions?

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

It can if any of your resolutions are to lose weight, save money, sleep better. Or, drink less. Psychologically, January is the month when we “reset”, so a UK-based organization, Alcohol Change UK , started Dry January , where you abstain from drinking alcohol.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

Perfect timing since many people shop, eat, and drink more than usual over the holidays.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

I know you used to drink a glass of Cold Duck on New Year’s Eve, a tradition going back to our childhood, but that hardly counts as drinking. But, I have always wondered why you rarely drink, but never asked.
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You may think the holiday season’s over, but January’s filled with an assortment of holidays, including some very unusual ones. Luckily, unlike the December holidays, these are much less stressful and can be lots of fun. Especially for us, as they celebrate some of our favorite things. (Of the five holidays listed below, can you guess which are Red’s favorites and which are Black’s?)

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

It’s January, and everyone’s probably tired of reading about New Year’s resolutions.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Not me. Since I never make them, I never feel the need to read about them.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

Of course, you don’t. So, what should we write about?

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

How about that we celebrate some of our favorite things in January?

So many “National Days” in January are fun (we’ve written about them over the years) and remind us of some of our favorite things. (Can you pick which are Red’s favorite holidays and which are Black’s?) And whether or not you make resolutions, it’s always important to have a sense of humor and enjoy the simpler things in life …

Answer: Red’s favorites are Bagels, Popcorn, and Hugging. Black’s are Clean Desk, Bagels, and Backward.

We’re starting the new year with a new attitude and a new business venture – merchandise! For a limited time only (until the end of January), our Kickstarter campaign will be offering our exclusive, first-edition apparel collection. All include practical and empowering messages based on our real-life stories and experiences.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

I’m so excited about our new products. You might call it “merchandise with meaning,” but I think of it as “fun stuff” that inspires and makes you smile. And I’m thrilled we’re offering a selection of first-edition items, including stickers, even if only for a limited time.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

I love how each piece of merchandise provides humor, wisdom, and practical advice for everyday living but may also inspire better decisions.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

I know we initially planned to have these items available for the holidays, but it seemed nothing went as planned.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Life rarely does, but I think it worked out for the best because,
The NEW YEAR is a perfect time for a NEW ATTITUDE. And, hopefully, a NEW BUSINESS.

Our Red & Black Kickstarter campaign offers a selection of first-edition merchandise including a sheet of stickers with motivating phrases and eye-catching graphics, but also autographed copies of our bestselling book that can be personalized. Whether you buy something for yourself or for others – we hope it will help get the New Year off to the right start with inspiration and motivation. And humor.

DON’T WAIT! It will be a very short campaign (only 30 days), so there’s no time to waste.

Green rectangular button with image of Red & Black cartoon characters and next to them the text \u201cClick here for our Kickstarter page!\u201d displayed in white.