Banter Bites

Dare You – Don’t Yawn Reading This

It's funny, the habits you don't even know you have … or why.

BANTER BITE BACKSTORY: Every time Red yawns when she's wearing her mask, she laughs at herself covering her mouth, thinking why does she even bother as it's already covered and then, in the next breath, remembers that her extremely pragmatic sister does the same thing.

After all, it's really just a habit. A good habit. One we were taught as kids, although not with as interesting an explanation as the supposed "real" reason described by Thrillist (we love the "bizarre" explanations of other routine traditions, too),

You do it now because it's courteous and hygienic, but way back when, people were shielding their mouths during a sneeze or yawn for very different reasons. Ancient cultures believe that when you sneezed, you left an empty void inside that could be filled with evil spirits, and that yawning left you susceptible to demons entering through your mouth.

Of course, Black was curious about "why" (her favorite word) we yawn and was surprised to find an interesting analysis on the Library of Congress website (we know that yawning's contagious, but just the pictures of people and animals yawning, made her yawn). She also found an article with a simple table on the causes and a "yawning test".

Red's reaction?

Just the topic of yawning makes me yawn. But covering my mouth – with or without a mask – is a comforting part of the process.

If you think today’s politics are ugly … let’s talk about a man who named himself “dictator for life” of the Roman empire, and is then assassinated by a group of senators, including his best friend. (However, there’s a “pretty” part – Cleopatra was his mistress.) Food trivia and leadership lessons aside, the fact July is named after him is the perfect excuse to rerun one of Red’s favorite Banter Bites

Quick! If someone says "Julius Caesar," what comes to mind?

BANTER BITE BACKSTORY: Almost everyone has heard of Julius Caesar, but how many of us really know much about him, or at least that's what Red starts to wonder when she receives the usual flippant, but still accurate, reply from her sister, after feeling very proud that she knew that July was named after the famous Roman.

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We don’t know about you, but we hate bathing suit shopping. So, we can’t imagine what it must be like if you’re looking for a gender-fluid one. And why would anyone get their panties in a knot (as Black would say) if Target sells them? Or Pride-themed merchandise? But clearly, people did. Which makes us ask … why should Target have such a difficult time supporting their LGBTQ+ (there are variations of this acronym) customers? And, more importantly, why can’t we let people celebrate who they are without facing a backlash of prejudice and violence?!

Rainbows are beautiful and suggest something magical. But during Pride Month, they also become a symbol of love, support, and understanding for the LGBTQ community.

BANTER BITE BACKSTORY: Until yesterday, when Black explained it to her, Red, like many people, didn't realize that Pride Month evolved from a tragic event, the Stonewall Uprising, into both a tribute and a memorial before it became a worldwide celebration of the LGBTQ community.

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No matter what holiday you may celebrate, Red can’t help but quote a line from one of her favorite Christmas songs, “Have yourself a merry little Christmas. Let your heart be light. From now on, your troubles will be out of sight.”

And Black can’t help but point out that the song wasn’t introduced in a Christmas movie but in the movie "Meet Me In St. Louis."

Wishing you a merry everything and a happy always!