Memory Lane

A Fast Mercedes & A Slow Turtle

Red's Head

I'm still smiling at you letting Sawyer drive your Mercedes G-wagen. Although I know that her dream car's a Ford F-150, I think yours is her "fantasy car".

Black's HeadBlack

I knew the "long way" to drive back to your house, but after asking her if she knew the best way, it seemed easier to have her drive.

Red's Head

Well, you might have thought of it as efficient, but she thought it was exciting. And she told me that she was honored you trusted her to drive.

Black's HeadBlack

Did she mention that once we got back to your neighborhood, we saw a huge turtle on the road? Moving very slowly, of course, so I was not concerned it would become an unexpected road obstacle.

Red's Head

Of all the things she might encounter in our neighborhood – cyclists, Amazon delivery trucks, dog walkers – to find a turtle in the street was probably the last thing she was expecting.

Black's HeadBlack

Or, me. I know we laugh about me needing Benadryl to visit you in the suburbs, but it is due to all the pets and children – not wildlife.

Red's Head

That turtle made me think of Daddy. I'm not sure you were still living at home at the time, but do you remember when he "saved" the turtle on the road?

Black's HeadBlack

I have no idea what you are talking about.

Red's Head

Daddy was driving on Wantagh Avenue, near Kwong Ming (our favorite Chinese restaurant growing up in Massapequa), when, all of a sudden, he pulled off the road and hopped out of the car.

Black's HeadBlack

If I remember correctly, that road did not get much traffic.

Red's Head

True, but there were still cars on the road, and it was still a very unusual thing for him to do. I was probably around ten or so and sitting in the back seat, so was a little surprised when the car stopped, and he quickly got out. But when he said, "I'll be right back," I could tell by his voice that everything was ok.

Black's HeadBlack

Considering that Daddy was very mild-mannered and not the sort of person to panic or to overreact, I am not sure the tone of his voice would have been a good indicator.

Red's Head

Regardless, I wasn't the most observant of kids, so unless the car were on fire, I probably wouldn't have thought much of any of it. So, while he walked across the road, I didn't think twice about getting out of the car to watch what he was doing. Not because I was worried, but out of curiosity.

Black's HeadBlack

It is hard to imagine that same scenario today, for an assortment of reasons. Unless, of course, it was staged for YouTube or Instagram.

Red's Head

I know, but it was a different time. Decades ago.

Black's HeadBlack

I can picture Daddy waving the cars to slow down while scooping up the turtle and depositing it well away from the side of the road.

Red's Head

Close. He disappeared on the other side of the road for a few minutes, and when he returned to the car, he told me that there was a stream, so he had carried the turtle down the bank and placed it by the water. It was a hot summer day, and he figured that the poor turtle had somehow wandered far from home and was now trying to find water. Not to mention grass and shade.

Black's HeadBlack

That sounds like Daddy. Well, the conditions were similar when Sawyer and I saw the turtle in your neighborhood, but I have no idea where the local stream is located.

Red's Head

I wish I had been around, as I'd have paid homage to Daddy by scooping up the turtle and at least try to find it a safe place. And based on what Sawyer told me, if she sees him (or her) again, that's exactly what she plans to do.

Black's HeadBlack

Like father, like daughter … like granddaughter.
Photo by Aneese on iStock

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Red's Head

Thanks for sending me Natasha's Austin-inspired business plan. But while I know that's her future, I can't help but think about the first time I took her to Austin.

Black's HeadBlack

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Red's Head

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Photo by klohka on iStock

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