Words & Banter

Dads In School – Delivering Tough Love & Bad Jokes

Dads In School – Delivering Tough Love & Bad Jokes
Dads help curb violence at Louisiana high school

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

I keep thinking about that Twitter link you sent me about the group of dads who came together after violence in their local high school got completely out of hand, and now work in shifts to greet students in the morning and help create a positive environment for learning.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

I thought you would appreciate it. I think it is brilliant – so simple, yet so powerful.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

As a warm and fuzzy single mom, I was overwhelmed by it. Kids who might act “fearless” to their peers, and even to some adults, often behave differently around their parents. Especially fathers and father figures.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

You were always the obedient one, but Mom’s attempts at disciplining and lecturing me fell on deaf ears. But, it was very different with Daddy. All he had to say was that he was disappointed in me and thought I knew better. Or, give me that look of disappointment.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

I never knew he’d give you a “look”, but I laughed out loud when one of the students said, "You ever heard of 'a look’?" when talking about the “power" that most dads have. It reminded me of YOUR “look” – the one that none of us want to be on the receiving end of.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Well, it sounds like the students at Southwood High School in Shreveport, Louisiana, do not want to be on the receiving side of a “look” either as ever since the “Dad’s on Duty” arrived there have been no more incidents of violence. Although there has been a steady supply of “Dad Jokes”.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

You can’t help but smile and roll your eyes at those. But it’s heartwarming how these dads came together not only for their own kids, but all the kids in the high school. It made me think how wonderful it would be if all high schools could have this.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Funny you say that. Ever since the initial story went viral, the organization’s founders have been approached by people all across the country who want to duplicate the success.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

Imagine, if in addition to PTAs at schools, you also had “Dads on Duty”. How awesome would that be?

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Very. There is a great op-ed piece written by a former PTA and PTSA president that addresses just that, and how seeing parents on school campuses provides a sense of family and a sense of security, something that has somehow gotten lost.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

That all makes sense. Not to mention, it will give the “Dads on Duty” a wider audience for their jokes.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Jokes that only dads can do …
You may think the holiday season’s over, but January’s filled with an assortment of holidays, including some very unusual ones. Luckily, unlike the December holidays, these are much less stressful and can be lots of fun. Especially for us, as they celebrate some of our favorite things. (Of the five holidays listed below, can you guess which are Red’s favorites and which are Black’s?)

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

It’s January, and everyone’s probably tired of reading about New Year’s resolutions.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Not me. Since I never make them, I never feel the need to read about them.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

Of course, you don’t. So, what should we write about?

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

How about that we celebrate some of our favorite things in January?

So many “National Days” in January are fun (we’ve written about them over the years) and remind us of some of our favorite things. (Can you pick which are Red’s favorite holidays and which are Black’s?) And whether or not you make resolutions, it’s always important to have a sense of humor and enjoy the simpler things in life …

Answer: Red’s favorites are Bagels, Popcorn, and Hugging. Black’s are Clean Desk, Bagels, and Backward.

Wishing you a year to thrive – Happy 2025!

Photo courtesy of Red’s eldest daughter, Natasha

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red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

At the risk of asking you a warm and fuzzy question, have you thought about what you’re most thankful for this Thanksgiving?

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io


red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

I should’ve guessed that you’d take the question literally. Could you expand on that a little, or at least give me a hint?
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