Words & Banter

RED & BLACK … A Monarch For Mere Mortals?

Design by Sawyer Pennington, Underlying photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

Well, Prince Charles is now officially King Charles III, and it should be very interesting to see how his reign will be vs. the decades of speculating.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Technically, the moment Queen Elizabeth II died, he automatically became King. Regardless, he has been preparing for the role his entire life.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

Yes, but there’s something about the pomp and pageantry of a coronation that makes it seem like it’s the beginning of his reign. Not to mention, it’s a rare event as the last one in England was his mother’s in 1952.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

The rarity is a monarch ruling for 70 years. Obviously, the next coronation will be in much less than 70 years. If there even is one.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

I know after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s interview with Oprah, there was talk about how the Monarchy should end with Queen Elizabeth. But the idea wasn’t anything new as I remember there was talk of that when I lived in England decades ago.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

I can understand why people are questioning whether the Monarchy, with its “old-fashioned” traditions and beliefs, is still relevant. And, having apparent “issues” in terms of race relations certainly does not help.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

Are you referring to the story about someone wondering what color Prince Harry and Meghan’s unborn baby would be? Or, more recently, when one of Queen Elizabeth’s long-time ladies in waiting, Lady Susan Hussey, made an embarrassing social gaffe when asking a Black director of a charity where she was “really” from.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Neither specifically, but both in general. The “old guard” comes from a generation that grew up when overt racism was more accepted and institutionalized, and probably internalized those attitudes.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

True. Plus, the Royal Family, or The Firm, which is how the family and institution refers to itself, is very isolated from the real world, so has less exposure to people from different racial and ethnic backgrounds.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

That is not surprising, but who nicknames themselves? The Firm sounds like a Netflix series, but less refined than “The Crown.”

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

The Firm” is one of my favorite Tom Cruise movies and is based on the John Grisham novel of the same name. But it has nothing to do with British history. Anyway, as you know, I love Tudor history. However, I’m not an expert on the British Monarchy or the current Royal Family, although I think they serve an important purpose.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

They do when it comes to money. It is a business with over a thousand people working for it, which may explain the nickname. I remember reading a Forbes article that stated the amount of money they bring in (primarily due to tourism) is estimated to contribute $2.7 billion a year to the U.K. economy (pre-pandemic), making the $550 million cost of running it a wise investment.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

Wow! Those are huge numbers, but I was referring to the invaluable role the Royal Family played in getting a nation to pull together, and stay together, as they fought not one, but two, World Wars.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

But, that was a long time ago. How is that relevant today?

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

Sometimes the mere existence of a well-established institution, and its pomp and circumstance, can remind people that they’re a part of something bigger than themselves. That there’s a history that binds you. In this case, as a country. Don’t believe me? Look at the outpouring of grief when Queen Elizabeth II died. The British people put their differences aside and came together in their praise that she was more than a queen; she was a symbol of her country.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Yes, but that was a reflection of her 70 years of representing the country. They were honoring the past, which is very different from supporting the Monarchy’s future. Especially given all the drama within the Royal Family, not only going back to Princess Diana, but in terms of Prince Harry and Meghan, and the scandals around King Charles’ brother, Prince Andrew.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

There have always been royal “scandals” or less-than-acceptable behavior. But it does seem worse today.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Is it worse? Or, is it because it was much easier to do damage control before the internet and social media? Regardless, the Monarch was always looked upon as a role model and was supposed to represent values worth emulating – love of country, public service, respect, integrity, grace, discretion, tradition …

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

That’s certainly what Queen Elizabeth II represented. And even King Charles’ sister, Princess Anne, who’s one of the hardest working royals although not given nearly enough recognition.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

It is not an easy job, and not one you choose … you are born into it. Obviously, some people are better suited for the role. Or, do a better job preparing. King Charles, the oldest individual to ascend to the throne, has had plenty of time to think about how to honor something as old and established as the Monarchy while still making it relevant in today’s world.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

Well, he has been at the forefront of so many important issues, whether climate change, the environment, conservationism, that used to be considered quirky,but are now mainstream and recognized as critical issues.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

He does have a unique background, and a history of strong opinions, which may make one of his greatest challenges finding the balance between being head of state, where he is required to remain neutral on political matters, and still addressing the important issues facing society.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

Given the situation with Prince Harry and Meghan, I’ll be curious how he may shine a much-needed light on mental health and racism. Regardless, he definitely has his royal plate full, and I wish him all the best

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Agree. And, it will be interesting to see what happens to The Firm now that it is under new management.

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red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

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Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

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red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

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Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

It can if any of your resolutions are to lose weight, save money, sleep better. Or, drink less. Psychologically, January is the month when we “reset”, so a UK-based organization, Alcohol Change UK , started Dry January , where you abstain from drinking alcohol.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

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Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

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red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

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Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Not me. Since I never make them, I never feel the need to read about them.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

Of course, you don’t. So, what should we write about?

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

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