Red went from living with our parents to living with her husband, and managed to avoid learning about money. That was until her husband got fired and she was forced to pull her ostrich head out of the sand and face the ugly truth about their family finances. She had been a theater major, so was convinced she couldn’t deal with money, but knew Black wouldn’t cut her any slack if she didn’t try.
After Red started using Black’s Smart V. “Less Than Smart” Spending Exercise, she realized that it doesn’t matter how much money you have or how well you think you’re managing it (if you’re managing it), most of us spend way too much on things we don’t need. She was the self-proclaimed poster child of stupid spending! Why not give the exercise a try, maybe even do it with others (family and friends), and see what you think of the results? It may surprise you!
We’re not financial experts, but we know understanding a few basic concepts and making several easy-to-implement changes can make a big difference. (Initially, Red was scared and intimidated, but now thinks of them as “duh moments”). She felt like her money controlled her instead of the other way around. Can you relate? Managing money can feel overwhelming without some guidance and support. That’s why we created DOLLARS & SENSE.